2.2.3. NS3 - Tutorial 1. Configure NetAnim¶
Give credits to The Motivated Engineer - NS3 Tutorial - Youtube Prerequests¶
Before following this tutorial, you need to finish the following steps Configure NetAnim¶
# Go to NS3 All-in-one folder and go further into NetAnim folder
cd ns-allinone-3.30.1/netanim-3.108/
sudo apt-get install make -y
# clean the source code, qmake and then make
make clean
qmake NetAnim.pro
Now, NetAnim is ready to use. Run Tutorial Examples¶
Pay attention to the name of the file
# go to ns3-30.1 examples
cd .. # now we are at ns-allinone-3.30.1/
cd ns-3.30.1/examples/tutorial
# instead of ruining the example, we copy it to scratch/ Note that, you cannot change the folder unless you have configured the path
# Also, you should not reuse the name "first", because NS3 will find out first.cc or first.py instead of your file.
# here we use tutorial1.cc
cp first.cc ../../scratch/tutorial1.cc
cd ../../scratch/
# use your favourite code editor to edit the first.cc file.
# I use vscode. Add Code for NetAnim¶
Add the header file
#include “ns3/netanim-module.h”
Add the following statement before Simulation::Run()
AnimationInterface anim (“animation.xml”);
Set give positions to your nodes.
anim.SetConstantPosition (node, double x, double y); Build and Run¶
# go back to ns-3.30.1
cd ../
# use waf to compile and run the code
./waf --run tutorial1
You should see Use NetAnim to Show The Animation¶
# go to netanim-3.108
cd ../netanim-3.108/
# run NetAnim