1. IoT Lab1

1.1. Preparation

Due to the limitation of the available PCs, only four students can do this lab at a time. Please choose your time via the following doodle link

Online register link

1.2. Required Files

Download the two GRC files:

Lab1 manual.docx

1.3. Introduction

In this lab, you will use GNU Radio to implement the binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation schemes. You will learn:

  • to interpret the constellation diagrams of BPSK and QPSK with additive Gaussian noise,

  • how the constellation diagram and the bit error rate (BER) changes when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increases.

1.3.1. Software-defined Radio

Follow the reading via Software-defined Radio and GNU Radio.

1.3.2. How to build you own block

If you want to build your own SER block, you can follow build a QPSK demodulation block to learn how to write an OutOfTree module.

You are also welcomed to see my implementation from gr-rpi_iot SER block.