2. Pallier PKC¶
The trapdoor function generalizes \(QR_n\) to \(QR_{n^2}\), which is called composite residuosity problem.
Pick up 2 primes \(p\) and \(q\) and \(N = pq\).
Uses 2 functions: 1) Euler’s Totient function \(\Phi(N) = (p-1)(q-1)\); 2) Carmichael’s function \(\lambda(N) = lcm(p-1, q-1)\).
Note that \(\Phi(N^2) = N\Phi(N) = N(p-1)(q-1)\) and \(|\mathbb{Z}_{N^2}^*| = \Phi(N^2)\).
For any \(w \in \mathbb{Z}_{N^2}^*\), \(w^{\lambda(N)} \equiv 1~mod~N\) and \(w^{N\lambda(N)} \equiv 1~mod~N^2\).
Decision Composite Residuosity Problem
A number \(Z\) is \(n^{th}\) residue modulo \(n^2\) if \(\exists y \in \mathbb{Z}_{n^2}^*\) such that \(Z = y^n~mod~n^2\).
The problem of deciding \(n^{th}\) residuosity is distinguishing \(n^{th}\) residues from non \(n^{th}\) residues. (\(CR_N\) problem)
Conjecture: \(\nexists\) polynomial time distinguisher for \(CR_n\) problem \(\Rightarrow\) intractable.
Pallier algorithm enjoys: Semantically Secure, trapdoor function under \(CR_n\) and homomorphic properties.
Key Setup
\(n = pq\), \(g\) has order \(v\) where \(v \equiv 0~mod~n\).
public key: \((n, g)\), private key: \(\lambda(n)\).
Message \(M\) is an integer smaller than \(n\).
Choose a value \(u\) uniformly from \(\mathbb{Z}_{n^2}^*\).
Ciphertext \(c = g^Mu^n~mod~n^2\).
Define a function \(L(x) = \frac{x-1~mod~n^2}{n}\)
Verify that:
Additive Homomorphic Properties
Furthermore, \(\forall M_1. M_2 \in \mathbb{Z}_N\) and integer \(k\)
\(D(E(M_1)E(M_2)~mod~N^2) = M_1 + M_2~mod~N\)
\(D(E(M_1)^k~mod~N^2) = kM_1~mod~N\)
\(D(E(M_1)g^{M_2}~mod~N^2) = M_1 + M_2~mod~N\)
\(D(E(M_1)^{M_2}~mod~N^2) = D(E(M_2)^{M_1}~mod~N^2) = M_1 M_2~mod~N\)