1.1. Basic Operations

1.1.1. Enter and Exit Privilege Mode

# enter
device> enable  # or "en"
device#         # ">" changes to "#"

# exit
device# exit
device>         # "#" changes back to ">"

1.1.2. Set Privilege Mode Password

Privilege mode password is a must if you want the remote configuration ability.

device(config)#enable secret cisco # privilege mode password

1.1.3. Enter and Exit Configuration Mode

In privilege mode (see Enter and Exit Privilege Mode), follow

# enter config mode
device# configure terminal # or "conf t"
device(config)#     # see "(config)"
# exit to privilege mode
device(config)# exit

1.1.4. Change Hostname

In config mode (see Enter and Exit Configuration Mode), do

device(config)# hostname targetDevice # change hostname to "targetDevice"
targetDevice(config)#         # see "targetDevice(config)"

1.1.5. Show Running Config

In config mode, do

device(config)# show running-config

1.1.6. Save Running Config as Start-up Config

In privilege mode, do

device#copy running-config startup-config