
Typical Code

// Timer Initialization function
void timer_init(){
  // select the clock source
  CKCON &= ~0x08; /* Timer 0 uses SYSCLK/12 as source */

  // select timer and set the working mode
  TMOD &= 0xF0; /* Clear bits 0-3 of the Timer Mode Register */
  TMOD |= 0x01; /* Set Timer 0 to Mode 1 (16-bit counter/timer) */

  // stop timer
  TR0 = 0; /* Disable Timer 0 */

  TMR0 = 0; /* Clear all 16 bits of Timer 0’s count */
  // TL0 = 0; TH0 = 0; /* Or Clear low & high bytes of Timer 0 separately */

// in the function where you want to use your timer
TR0 = 1; // enable timer 0

The Interrupt Service Routines read as

void ISR_name(void) __interrupt 1
  // the interrupt order of timer 0 is 1. These values can be found in "Interrupts Priority Table"
  // Put code here