How to connect Raspberry Pi’s to Wifi¶
Attention! Please change the keyboard setup to the one suits you. For example, most of you need to change it to American 101key.
The method is
sudo raspi-config
-> Localisation Options
-> Change Keyboard Layout
-> 101 key
-> US
There are two methods to add the known wifi AP to your Pi. Choose one based on your preference
Via raspi-config (method 1 easy)
in sudo raspi-config
-> Network Option
-> Wi-fi
Then add the known SSID, say duckietown, then type in the password
Reboot your device.
Change wpa-config file (method 2 advanced)
Cd to /etc/wpa_supplicant
. Modify the file wpa_supplicant.conf
using sudo
privilege and with any editor you like. Suggest nano
because it’s built-in.
Add your AP info using the following format:
ssid="[your ssid]"
you should have something like
Then reboot.